Why Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Can’t Afford to Ignore Collaboration Tools

Introducing Microsoft Teams in small organizations

While it might be intuitive to assume that smaller organizations have stronger teams due to their smaller size, this is not necessarily the case in the era of virtual teams and regular home work. Multinational companies have often been early adopters of tools like Microsoft Teams, which have helped them to develop a stronger culture […]

Does your organization suffer from an ASAP culture?

Credits to Thomas Hawk - Creative Common Licences

There is no doubt that ASAP work culture takes a toll on organizations. The permanent focus on incoming messages leads to reactive workdays. Anyone who immediately intercepts and replies to every new message loses control of his actual work. Total fragmentation and decline in the quality of output are an inevitable result. In such a […]

Worked hard, but got nothing done?

Worked hard, but got nothing done?

Do you recognize the feeling? At the end of a hectic workday, you realize that you were super busy the entire time, but that you hardly accomplished anything meaningful. You may have chatted a lot in Teams, handled a myriad of emails, and participated enthusiastically in different meetings. Despite all your efforts, the pile of […]